
Let's Reason Together

Tag: God

  • Of God The Creator and Satan The Imitator

    Weโ€™ve all heard and probably know or acknowledge the deity of the Almighty Creator of the universe. He goes by different names, in the Christian spheres, among which are: I…

  • Itโ€™s Sharing Thursday: #140 โ€“ Times of Testing

    In the moments of turmoil are where you will find the most sincere peace. Discovering faith in the chaos makes it all worthwhile and these times of โ€ฆ #140 โ€“…

  • Unquenchable Hunger

    Thereโ€™s a yearning in human beings that nothing satisfies where we find ourselves craving more money, more cars, more clothes, more shoes, more degrees (than the thermometer – T D…

  • Worship: Highest form of Prayer

    Worship the King (God) in the beauty of His Holiness! (Psalm 28:2, 96:9, 1 Chronicles 16:29) Worship: According to Merriam Webster Dictionary isโ€ข 1 : to honor or show reverence…

  • 110 days from today …

    What are you going to do? Whatever you do, do it totally with your heart knowing that you have read, watched, and studied, all that needs to be digested. That,…